Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Just to keep you up to date...

Things are rather slow in these parts. I was sick all weekend and lied around eating M&Ms (damned Tim and Autumn)...

It's probably a combination of M&M and laziness that has turned my weight loss upside down! Yep, my weight loss has turned into a weight reclamation project on the grandest of scales! I'm finding weight I misplaced years ago!

So, what am I going to do about it? Well, it's time to get back on that whole "stop smoking and get your ass in gear" band-wagon. Look for weight updates once again. (I don't dare reveal my density right now!) I went to the gym at my apartment complex this morning and I think I'm going to try for weight training in the morning and cardio at night. Mind you, this requires me to wake up before 6am every morning... which is a heaping portion of hell... but I have to do something to turn this trend around.

Also, a little activity might help me beat this flu bug thing...

We'll see...

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