Thursday, October 23, 2003

Stolen elections. Ain't that America?...

It's nice to see more and more people speaking out against the injustices perpetrated by our "leaders". This time, it's John Mellencamp on his website:

Before a single bomb was ever dropped, some of us, formerly called the “anti-American and unpatriotic,” have questioned or opposed this war. Now, each day, as the dust settles and the truth slowly surfaces, more and more people come to the inevitable conclusion of what a debacle this whole war was.


The word Democracy means literally “by the people.” This is the basis of our government and society. It is what this country was founded upon and what makes us American. It is not just our “right” but also our duty to speak out and voice our thoughts and opinions. How, then, was it possible that, in the land of freedom, those who opposed the common opinion were called…“un-American?” Resentfully, we wonder.


Who is to say what is or isn’t “patriotic?” Do the flags that wave from every minivan really offer any support? Where is the support for the thousands of service men and women who return to the states to see their benefits cut, their health problems ignored, their jobs gone and their families living in poverty? How are they repaid for their efforts; for risking or losing their lives? So far, dismally.

This nation was founded to enable freedom and diversity of opinion, and many lives have been lost to secure that liberty. Paradoxically, some still resist the open mindedness that is the very foundation of this country.

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