Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Time for the first of another TRUE STORIES FROM TECH WRITERS...

(It seems like that's what I am these days, so why not call myself that?)

Okay, here's the deal. I started here four years ago and, upon seeing their documentation, almost immediately I said, "You need to make your documentation more graphical."

"We can't." They said. "It's too much work."

When all the other networking companies went with graphical documentation, I said, "You've got to make your documentation more graphical."

"We can't." They said. "It would take too long."

When our products became more and more complicated and hard to explain, I said, "You've got to make your documentation more graphical."

"We can't." They said. "It's a waste of resources."

For four years, I've been saying that and for four years I've been told they can't for various (incredibly lame) reasons.

(Here comes the kicker. You know what it is, don't you?)

Today, one of the executives came by and exclaimed, "I just bought an Epson printer and their documentation was really graphical. Ours should be like that!"

"Great idea," the other executives exclaimed.

I shit you not.

What I find funny about this is I'm sure you can apply it to your job, whatever that job may be.

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